
Three Parallel Engineering Streams

To deliver the decentralized vision outlined in our Whitepaper, the Foundation for Anyone supports three parallel engineering streams: Network, Protocol and Hardware.

Relay Registration Protocol 🗓️ Q3 2023 ☑️ The ATOR Dashboard now enables gas-less relay registration

Goerli Distribution Testnet 🗓️ Q3 2023 ☑️ ATOR entered Goerli Testnet on 21st August 2023.

Router Prototype V1 🗓️ Q3 2023 ☑️ We were thrilled to demonstrate our router at BTC Amsterdam 2023

Presale for the First 1000 Units 🗓️ Q4 2023 ☑️ The first 1000 relay hardware units have sold out its public stage in record time! You can redeem your NFT here.

Released Anon Client 🗓️ Q1 2024 ☑️ The anon client was demonstrated live on YouTube on this stream

MVP Anon Network 🗓️ Q1 2024 ☑️ The network is live, allowing you to run relays. Check out the progress on DePINHub's explorer.

Clients for Linux, Mac and Windows 🗓️ Q2 2024 ☑️ Clients for all operating systems are installable from the GitHub releases page.

Global Fulfilment for 1000 Units 🗓️ Q2 2024 ☑️ All relay batches are now available for global shipping. Fill in your details here.

Rebrand and Migration 🗓️ Q2 2024 ☑️ $ATOR has successfully rebranded to $ANYONE. Check out the migration link.

MVP Hardware Routing Functionality 🗓️ Q3 2024 ☑️ The hardware can now create a proxy server to route common application traffic: Updates.

Anyone Network: Desktop Proxy 🗓️ Q3 2024 ☑️ The new guides in the Connect to Anyone section offer the first ways to anonymize yourself!

Anyone SDK: Typescript and NPM Packages 🗓️ Q3 2024

Incentivized Testnet Rewards and Dashboard 🗓️ Q3 2024

Hardware Onboarding and Rewards 🗓️ Q3 2024

Anyone SDK: iOS and Android SDK

Smartweave Transition to AO

Arweave Directory Authorities

Geolocation, Uptime and Delegated Locking

Enterprise Custom Circuit Control

Open Protocol Hackathon and Bug-Bounty Program

Second Hardware Sale

Autonomous Mainnet Rewards

AI Circuit Agents

Network Authority Role for Hardware

Governance-Driven Network Controls

Full 'Hotspot' Style Routing Functionality

Delegated Staking for Authorities*

Paid Network Circuits and Revenue*

Portable Hardware Options*

Last updated