Token Outflow

Central to the Anyone ecosystem is the distribution layer that uses $ANYONE as an incentive for relays contributing their bandwidth and computing power. To bootstrap the network, a base-reward pool of 10,000,000 tokens (10% of the total supply) is allocated to a reward pool that pays tokens out perpetually. The pool is perpetual because only a fixed percentage of the remaining tokens will be distributed each period.

The pool operates on an epoch basis, where each epoch has a fixed number of rewards per day. In turn, the epoch reward is always determined by the outstanding number of tokens in the reward pool. For example:

  1. The pool starts with 10,000,000 tokens.

  2. The epoch daily reward is set at 0.100% of the pool’s tokens. This means that each day, for the first epoch, the pool will distribute 10,000 tokens.

  3. The epoch duration is 15 days, so on day 15, 150,000 tokens have been distributed.

  4. Epoch Two starts. The tokens in the pool are now 9,850,000. The Epoch reward is still 0.100%. This works out to 9,850 tokens per day for the next 15 days.

The 0.100% number is picked as targeting an annual inflation rate of circulating supply of around 3.5% in the first year and gradually reducing it from there on. This gives the pool a half-life (the time it takes for 50% of the remaining tokens in the pool to be depleted) of 693 days or 46 epochs.

Token Allocation

A key change to the reward tokenomics is the division of the reward pool into three: relay rewards, hardware rewards and validator/staking rewards, in the following ratio:

70% of reward pool (7,000,000 tokens) for all relays 20% of reward pool (2,000,000 tokens) for designated hardware relays 10% of reward pool (1,000,000 tokens) for authority roles

The first two reward pools will go live at the same time, at the commencement of autonomous mainnet rewards. Once the network begins to decentralize, with the ability for holders to run bandwidth authorities, the authority pool will begin to emit to those operators and their delegated stakers.

The authority role pool will emit with the decentralization of those roles and introduction of delegated staking. When emitted, all pools will emit with the same logic (0.100% of the pool quantity emitted daily).

Bootstrapping these pools with the 10% of supply allows the network and applications built on top of it to scale and gain users. The relatively low costs of operating relays compared to other mining allows the emission rate to remain low. Nevertheless, the incentive system is built to accommodate a more circulatory ecosystem, with pools boosted by incoming revenue, as explained in future chapters.

Last updated