Other Tokens

Additional Relay Rewards

As the Anyone Protocol rolls out, reward mechanics will initially exist on an 'incentivized testnet' and move over to mainnet sequentially. During this period, users will run relays on the live Anon network, but earn a mirror of the ANyONe Protocol token on Sepolia testnet. Nevertheless, users will still be incentivized via weekly airdrops of mainnet $ANYONE at a specified conversion rate, in accordance to earned tokens. Details of this will be released shortly.

Community Tokens

New dedicated token pools have also been formed for a range of ecosystem ventures. These include:

Foundation: Linearly Vested 4,000,000 Tokens Etherscan

CEX Listings Wallet 1,500,000 $ANYONE Etherscan

ANyONe Incubation / Hackathons 750,000 $ANYONE Etherscan

ANyONe Advisors 750,000 $ANYONE Etherscan

ANyONe DAO 750,000 $ANYONE Etherscan

Marketing 500,000 $ANYONE Etherscan

Last updated