Relay Control Panel

This section describes each page in the Relay Control Panel (RCP)

To log into the Relay Control Panel:

  1. On your web browser, manually type in the Relay's default hostname http://relayup.local or use its local IP.

  • If http://relayup.local is not accessible then you will find the IP of the Relay in your routers admin interface.

  • Open your router's admin interface (typically accessed via a web browser at or

  • Login using your router's credentials (usually found on the back of your router). Locate the list of connected devices, and find the entry corresponding to your Relay. The IP address listed here is your Relay's LAN IP.

  1. On the login page, Type in the default password admin.

  2. You can now use the Relay Control Panel to configure various settings of your Anyone Relay.

Applying or Undoing changes.

All changes to the Relay require the operator to press Apply, then Save, and finally Reboot to fully implement the changes.

To undo any modifications, press Undo Changes. This action will revert all changes across all pages.

LED indicators

Each section of the LED lights in the ANYONE logo has a meaning. Where Green indicates 'Connected' or 'Active' and Red means 'Disconnected' or 'Inactive'.

Last updated